My Song

Monday 27 October 2014

hai..hihihi..hohoho..u think i'm happy??emmm...mybe yes..mybe not..emmm..just forget it..emmm..when girls in sad right now,3 think they need..first they need someone who can talk about their problem..second they need someone who can make they happy..third they need shoulder..emmm..hahaha..forget it..just fake joke..i dont know..what wrong with me??i want release my tension..stress..i dont know who can i talk..nobody..only my teddy bear in front of me n my i wrote on my spm around the week..only 2 day bfore spm minus sleep, rest, cry, talk, gossip and so on..but right now i need to focus my spm first..after the end of my spm, mybe i talk about it or i just keep quiet..mybe i zipp my mouth..emmm..its okay..nothing worry about it..i hope i can get flying colour for my result spm..just morning,i meet principal..she told me 'do the best for spm..silat cemerlang,akademik pn kna cmerlang'..insyallah teacher..i can get straight A for spm..i can do it..chaiyok2..gambatte...faitooohhh..u can do it nadia..n after spm i hope i can get plkn as soon as possible..i can forget my problem..people said plkn is the best and enjoyable..i hope i can get 'sinar kebahagiaan' in plkn..hihihihihi..n also i hope i can get course for english at negeri 9..i want to buzy myself..emmmm...n silat...i love silat..but through silat i meet him..emmmm..nothing..i hope someone can appreciate me..i need loving with someone..emmm..loving me forever..i dont want someone treacherous at me..i very loyal with someone who love me so much..i appeciate him ^_^..i dont want someone who cant forget the okay for me..dont worry be happy..try to recapture the happiness between yourself..ingnore the must go sad anymore..La tahzan..Allah kan ada :D

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